A Hot Day On The Pavement
After a brutally hot ride which included a stop over in Kingman, AZ we arrived in Sedona and spent another VERY HOT day tracking down a marriage license and other appropriate documents. Then the next day we got hitched. Due to the beauty of Sedona and the heat we decided just to spend our remaining time there.
So, it was indeed fitting that for our third anniversary we finally made it to Santa Fe. It was easier to get to Santa Fe this time because we were setting out from Albuquerque not Bakersfield and we had the insider scoop on how to get there.
Tourist Map of NM 14
The Wrench Wench Caught the Essence of the Area
Along the way is the charming little town of Madrid. Although it has taken on a very touristy tone their are still a lot of genuine artists there who are very serious about their work.
BMWeerman and the Wrench Wench in front of a popular biker spot
Did I mention chiles are popular around here?
From there we went hit the road to Santa Fe which was a great road around the mountain.
The Road Into Santa Fe
I hate to be a spoilsport here but the part of Sante Fe we visited was kind of a downer. Which, for sure, does not speak for Sante Fe in general, it was just our lightning fast tour, which included the main plaza and the Georgia o' Keeffe musuem.
I have to admit that the museum was impressive although I was was fan previously.
On display with the O' Keeffe exhibit were some original Ansel Adams. I am also a huge fan of Ansel Adams and what I found extraordinary about seeing his originals was how dark they were.
I honestly do not know what the photo editors of magaszines displaying his work are up to, but they definitely show his work to bright. His work is much darker in person than we are led to believe in print.
After we had exained that we were going to make our way to Taos which is one of the places I have most wanted to visit since I have been here but I was just too tired to drive there.
We did, however, have the oppornutity to visit the Caomel Head National Monument.
Which, althogh not that great was if interest.
Then we headed home...more adventures to follow
BMWeerman and Wrench Wench