As the end of the year approaches and Christmas is a few days away our minds naturally turn reflective and look towards hope and renewal as well. Perhaps because most of us are not in a position to acquire material things to trade with each other the focus seems to be largely turning towards making or remaking connections with our friends and loved ones. In this spirit I took a little break from obsessing on motorcycles and turned towards the language of music to communicate the spirit of the season and hopefully bring a little extra joy to those around me.
In that same spirit I want to share the same joy and communication with our Road Show family. However in keeping with the focus of Road Show Podcast it also seemed appropriate to have something about motorcycles included in show.
In this sense I was fortunate enough to connect with David Woodby a biker, writer and web publisher from Panama City, FL. Woodby seemed like a natural choice to spotlight on this Christmas episode because of the helpful and supportive nature of his websites.
David Woodby Panama City, FL motorcycle examinerWoodby and his wife started the website a number of years ago as a service to help stranded travelers connect with hard to find resources such as shelter, medical care, clothing, etc. As an ex-soldier and area police officer he was well positioned to have access to this type of information. This website has been tremendously successful and its attitude of giving is very much in the Christmas spirt.
Woodby recently launched another website which really takes the form of on online magazine. His website features events and things of interest to the riding community and is updated almost daily. Anybody in the area or thinking of traveling to an event there should check it out.
About the music: I first had the idea to do this album back in October with grand plans to do an entire CD's worth. As the project progressed and demands on my time and technical problems increased it became clear the scope of the endeavor would have to be severly cut back. I very much like the idea of re-arranging Christmas songs in different settings without disturbing the integrity of the original melody, at least too much. I also thought it appropriate to compose at least one original piece that captured, at least through the lens of my experience, my personal feelings about being in Santa Fe at this time of year.
Credits: Heartfelt thanks go out to two special people who helped this project come together.
Mike Ferenci who played all the guitar tracks from his studio in Los Angeles.

Ace guitarist and producer Michael Ferenci ponders a mix from his LA studio.
I also want to thank my great friend and overall master musician/mixer
Raul Duarte who contributed valuable advice on mixing and instrumentation.
Of course many thanks belong to my wife Patti who continues to support the whole process.
The tracks you heard on the show are all available for free MP3 download at my
music website. I hope they bring you some pleasure and joy.
Merry Christmas to all...
Cameron Weckerley (bmweerman)