In these crunched economic and expensively fueled times, I remain enourmously curious how the travel industry will indeed shake out.
Here at Road Show things have taken more than one unexpected turn. For the past three years we have subsidized our magazine and podcast through freelance print writing/photography and, God Yes, public school teaching.
Of late none of that has been available, well ok I could go down to Albuquerque Public Schools and register to subsititue, but I would seriously rather stick a hot poker in my eye.
Sooooo...BMWeerman has had to break out the keyboards, dust off the old chops and is getting ready to go work in the casinos.....yeeee haa....the music business again......
Road Show Central hasn't looked like this for quite a while.
Not to fear though we do have some motorcyle themed stuff in the can for you coming up including some big suprises, so stay tuned.
In the meantime keep those fingers limbered up.
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