Since the last "Journal" report Road Show has made the move from Albuquerque to Phoenix. (And I had just barely learned to spell Albuquerque!)
It was, for sure, not a dull trip. Thanks to our excellent next door neighbors Tim and Kyla we had made a lightning load of the U-Haul this time and were on schedule to leave, but exhausted. It was at this time that we had one of the very few negative experiences in New Mexico. After working late into the night finishing up loading the odds and ends into the U-Haul and the tow car we had parked the truck and car directly behind the apartment. Yes, technically it should not have been there, but there was really not anyplace else to put it. We dutifully then "camped out" on the floor to get a few hours sleep before leaving in the morning. I was awakened about 1 AM to some ruckus outside and went out to find this weinie security guard tagging our stuff. I am not quite sure what he made of the disheveled apparition in boxer shorts chewing his ass out, but it was definitely not my finest moment. Looking back on it though, even though he was just doing his job he was still a weinie. onward from there...
That next day we had to do a few last minute preperations, taking us until way late in the day and FINALLY got headed out in mid-afternoon. Wrench Wench driving the U-Haul with the three critters in the front seat, car in tow with Beemerman bringing up the rear on "RED." ARRRRRRRGGHHH I LOVE the beginnings of journeys except when they start off with me already tired. Nevertheless progress is finally being made and as we reach the outskirts of Gallup, NM I twist the throttle back to catch up with Wrench Wench to have her pull of and the throttle goes limp in my hand. Busted Cable.

Since the move from Albuquerque to Phoenix was supposed to be a flat out run with me bringing up the rear on the bike there was not a lot of time for photography.
Well, you know the best laid plans and all that...
This throttle cable had other ideas and we landed at the La Quinta Inn.
Fortunately Wrench Wench had had the foresight to upgrade our AAA membership to include motorcycle "towing" and we were able to get Red off the road and into a motel parking lot with a minimum of fuss.

Did Manage to get some work done though
In the interest of time refer to the link above for the rest of the story.
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