During the 1870'a the U.S Cavalry had frequent skirmishes with the Apache Indians in the region. One of these conflicts resulted in the Cavalry cornering a group of Apache warriors on the top of the mountain where they leaped to their deaths, rather than face the shame of defeat.
Apache Falls Mountain Towers over Superior, AZ
Another local attraction is “The World's Smallest Museum.” I do not know if it is actually the smallest museum in the world. But having been there, I can tell you it is about half the size of a typical walk-in closet.
If food and drink are on your mind, there are several places to fulfill that need. However, riders in the know often choose to go to the east end of town to Dairy Queen. Not only do they have good ice cream and acceptable road food, Dairy Queen also sits at the intersection where two wheel travelers, can continue to ride north-east on U.S .60 towards the Apache Trail or turn south on AZ 177 towards Tucson.
Riders in the know choose Dairy Queen
Once you get out of the city the ride to Superior provides two different riding environments, From just beyond Phoenix. The first 14 miles are straight with panorama view of very stark desert. But, the road is in good shape so it makes for pleasant riding.
One your reach Florence Junction U.S, 60 becomes a designated scenic road way. The ubiquitous Saguaro cacti re- appear and you can enjoy the scenery via a fantastic set of high-speed sweepers. Once you get near Superior though roll back on the throttle because the local lawman is not fond of people ripping through his town at high speeds.
Also remember that you will be traveling from 1300 to 2700 feet and at this time of year that bit of elevation can bring quite a temperature drop. It probably will not matter in another month or so, but I recommend packing an extra layer or two so you being cold does not spoil your fun while at the top
The Phoenix to Superior run is an off the beaten path destination for a half day ride. Spend some time with your imagination and picture what it must have been like on that day when Apache Falls got its name. Of course do not forget the ice cream or visit to the “Worlds Smallest Museum” All in all a good ride and a great time, I highly recommend it.
To get to Superior from Phoenix, take the I-17 south until it turns into U.S. 60 east and continue to Superior From I-10 travel south until it meets U.S. 60 east and, as above, continue to Superior.
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