What I did find out is that the Sangres are the very southern end of the Rocky Mountain Chain. Which stretch from Poncho Pass in Colorado to Glorieta Pass in New Mexico. Fascinating!
To continue the story riding through Hyde Park proper is pleasant, but can be quite annoying with gawking cagers slowing down the two wheel mojo and the ever present bicyclists who seem to regard everyone else from some kind of moral high ground only they seem to possess, even when they are riding down the middle of the road.
Past the park though things get a little a lot more interesting, the traffic thins out, the rangers disappear and the road gets really good.
Somewhere on the road above Hyde Park
A little further on up the road, as they say, we stopped at a turn-out/campsite parking area.
Bike and Road Shot...I know, I know...again....
While Patti took the camera and went searching for interesting subjects I was accosted by a vintage BMW motorcycle fan who would NOT let me break off conversation with him politely. So I did not get to look around a lot, but Patti got some good pix which follow...
It had been a nice sunny, but cool ride all day. But, in this neck of the woods, particularly in late September the weather can change fast. The temperature dropped suddenly and menacing clouds starting rolling in. Since we were not packing any rain gear we decided to high-tail it for lower elevations closer to home.
Fall Weather Moving in Fast
In the next installment of this blog the first impressions of the back streets of Santa Fe.
For a great preview of things to come check out this great slide show Patti made.
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