Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh......Well, you get the idea.

The Albuquerque Biological Park consists of the Albuquerque Aquariam, Rio Grande Botanic Garden, Rio Grande Zoo, and Tingley Beach.

The Wrench Wench and I paid a visit on a fine, late August day, and it was pretty cool.

The Wrench Wench poses in the Aquarium parking lot while the ubiquitous metal sculptures soar overhead

The entrance to the Bio Park Aquarium

Typical New Mexico decorative fountain sporting yet more metal sculptures.


Heavy, but graceful

The Aquarium is small, but well presented and interesting. The main diplays, at least when we were there, centered around the underwater life in the Rio Grande river.

Above: some scenes from the Rio Grande River display - with REAL BIRDS!

The jelly fish display was very....ummm..BLUE.

A Short Video Clip of the very BLUE jelly fish

The Bio Park is spread out over several miles and the various sections are connected by a whimsical mini-train.

Our mini-train sat on a spur while another one passed

Which we rode pass Tingley Beach....(leave it alone now!) and disembarked at the ZOO. Patti was reluctant to take me there for fear they would not let me leave, but her fears proved to be groundless.

Very Tall

Very Small

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh......Well, you get the idea.

New Visitor Map!

P.S Thanks to everyone who posted on our old FRAPPR map. Unfortunately when they wer taken over by Platial they changed the format and the old contacts are not importable. We would be honored if you would take a moment to add your location to our new guest map.


The Road Show Team

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