Monday, February 8, 2010

The new Road Show

Once upon a time, say five years ago, motorcycling and motorcycle travel was new, fun and exciting. It is still so, but like any good long-term relationship it has gone beyond the infatuation stage, through some of the frustrating and baffling adjustment stages, and is beginning to emerge into some form of maturity. Also, we all live in a very different world than we did five years ago.

All these factors have shaped and are re-shaping Road Show Magazine. Due to economic and time factors I have made the difficult decision to discontinue Road Show Podcast. There is quite a bit of grief associated with this, and guilt. Grief because when we started the podcast I made a promise to myself that I would keep it going no matter what. Unfortunately that is a promise to myself I can no longer keep.

Road Show Magazine as a website will continue on but in a different form that has yet to be completely determined. Many of our archives were lost due to computer and hard-drive failures and losses of back-ups during five moves in the last 18 months. So the magazine, like our lives, will be starting over. Which brings me back to the beginning of this little essay.

As a starting point for this new format I will be posting articles and media from my own personal archives from the earlier days of my travel. It has been interesting personally to review them because they recapture the excitement and romance of my early days of motorcycle traveling.

I would also like to invite more reader participation. I am not quite sure what form that will take, but please e-mail me any materials/suggestions you may have.

Thank you and I look forward to the future of Road Show as we continue on this uncertain, but interesting journey.

Cameron aka BMWeerman

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