For me one of the outstanding memories, at least in terms of "Past live" is taking acid at Pismo with Norm. Sometimes are friend Mardi would join us. At that time there was strerch of Pismo Beach where you could drive your care and people took great advantage of this. Two solid lines of gas guzzling eight banger would like the streets and create a terrible thuder all thoutgh the daylight hours. The problem was that Norm, onece he got into an hallucinagec state didn't pay too much attention to the cars once he started listening to the ubiquitous walkman.
Mardi and I pulled him out of traffic so many time as he wandered in on foot oblivious to the danger. Ahhh, but I digress down the slippery slope of euphoric recall.
Now jump forward about 20 or 30 years to yesterday. After going for a couple of shakedown cruises by myself the new BMWeermer, I guess we have decided on the name "Red" for her was ready for two up ride to our favorite place on the coast.
Probably for the last time.
Here she is at the famaous junction of SR33 and SR58, her first time there....I love this sign,
And as it ascends into the temblor range 58 is nothing if not tasty...
On 58 West there is an interesting detour into the Soda Ladk/Carrizo plain national park wich admitteldy is not everyones cup of tea but interesting nevertheless.
The Carrizo Plain, 100 airline miles (160 km) north of Los Angeles, California is an area by-passed by time.
Soda Lake, its centerpiece, is a glistening bed of white salt, set within a vast open grassland, rimmed by mountains.
The plain is home to diverse communities of wildlife and plant species, and is an area culturally important to Native Americans.
It is traversed by the San Andreas fault, which has carved valleys, created and moved mountains, and yet close up, is seen in a subtle alignment of ridges, ravines and normally dry ponds.
This is an interesting view of Soda Lake looking back towards the visitor center from high above the dirt road thal leads to an exposed section of the San Andreas itself
Since the Carrizo lies basically at the apex of the Temblor Range, once leaving their then it is a lovely, downward twisty spiral toward the ocean.
Jump forward to arrival in Santa Margarita which is just to the east of the beach and a popular hangout. Stopped for breakfast at Tina's which is a popular hangout for bikers in the area, but we must have hit it wrong because we were the only ones in the joint.
Great food though!
I have been tremoundosly paranoid up until recently that the inside, rear final drive bearing was going fail due to some kind of wrenching failure on my part, but I am finally beginning to trust it. And it another jump forward we have negotiated the small maze of freeway exchanges that actually get one headeded in the direction of Morro Bay.
Since we were on a very limited time budget we only got to hit some of the highlights.
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