Cartoonist Rupert Piston sent us an alarming article by Mark Simon from the Animation World News which should be of concern to anyone who creates intellectual property. Actually it should be of concern to anyone who is concerned with the workings of government.
This issues here are complicated, but as I understand it the guts of it are as follows.
In its current state US copyright law states that the creator of a work owns the copyright to that work the moment it is created. Registration with the copyright office is merely a formality that helps prove the origin of the work should there be a dispute.
The proposed change would take away that automatic right of ownership and rewrite the law so that a copyright could only be claimed through registration, which is pricey, or the work could be declared "0rphan" and anyone could register it. Obviously this favors wealthy corporate entities, not artists. I believe that is a fairly accurate telling of the guts of it. For the whole scoop read the Mark Simon article linked below.
Rupert Piston sent in this article regarding important legislation in copyright law.
Packing Tips from Horizons Unlimited's Grant Johnson
Main rule --- Take less than you think you need.
Bike is heavy
Have to pack and repack
Everybody sends back stuff
We travel with 2 pairs of pants
Zip – Off Legs
Wash them overnight dry in the morning
If you get wet just walk around and they will dry in 10 minutes
Take NO cotton when you travel
NEVER ride with jeans
Ride in proper synthetic riding pants
Leathers are good for crotch rockets if you fall off in a mudhole your are going to have to wear stuff with an inch of mold on it.
Electric Vest
Stuff Sacks
Everything goes in multi-colored stuff sacks
Everything color-coded helps with camp organization
Don't stuff everything too tight – want it to be able to be shaped into not want a bunch of tight cylinders
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