However, Kern County has roughly the elevation of 400 feet and even if you roll in an easterly direction toward Barstow and Death Valley you are really not going to ever exceed an elevation of 2100 feet. At these elevations the basic rules of desert survival apply.
Find Shade
Put something
between you
and the hot
Conserve your
If water is
scarce Don't
Allow 1 gallon of water per day per person
and do not wait until you are thirsty to
Now Here is the Kicker
Once you get into higher elevations the rules change. One of the major things that happens is at higher elevations the air thins out providing much less UV protection.
DO NOT wear shorts and and short sleeve shirt, you will get sunburned and you will become dehydrated by losing your sweat. Dress in loose, comfortable clothing that covers all your skin and wear a hat.
There is also this contraversial matter of whether or not one should take electrolyte supplements such as salt tablets when riding in these extreme conditions. I have heard it argued both ways but I know that after what happened to me in the high desert I am definately going to pack some salt tablets for the next trip.\
One final thing on this topic, I can tell you from personal experience that heat exhaustion or near heat exhaustion can make you very, very sleepy. Do not hesitate to check into the Iron Butt Motel should you need to.
I am working on a brochure to make available to those who want it, the cover will look something like this...
You have to imagine of course thata this is the front cover and that it is folded brochure style. I should have it done next week and if you have any suggestions please let me know.
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